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Music class update


Hi everyone,

I hope you're doing well. I think we're coming up on a month since we've all seen each other. I miss you all very much, I've heard from a few students who are still practicing their musical skills or are learning an instrument and that just makes my heart so happy! One thing we briefly talked about before we left was instruments!

I created a new page called the instrument zoo where you can see a bunch of different instruments and watch some fun videos about how to create them on your own. Additionally, Mrs. DeVine and I are offering another joint activity called pictionary which you can play with the people in your household. Here's how to play,

Pictionary Challenge

What you need: You’ll need something to draw on paper or a wipe-off board and dry erase marker and or pencils, markers or crayons. You’ll also need the vocabulary words (below) written on separate slips of paper. A Container like a bowl, to hold the slips of paper with the words written on them and stopwatch or clock

How to play: The game is pretty simple: players take turns silently drawing different things while their team tries to guess what the drawing is. Teams compete against each other to have the most guessed words and win the game.

Once you have written the vocabulary words on slips of paper, fold them up and put them in a bowl or hat. Then divide your players into two teams.

If you have one drawing surface, have teams take turns sending up a player to pick a word from the hat and draw it in a pre-designated amount of time. If the team guesses the word before the time runs out, they get a point. Then the other team takes a turn.

If you have two drawing surfaces, you could have each team send up a player and have them draw the same word at the same time (hiding their drawings from the other team). First team to guess the word wins the round.

At the end, tally up points and announce a winner!

Music vocabulary











Art Vocabulary






By the way, here's a look at my plants since last week,

I also picked up a brand new instrument to play with from Africa called a kalimba. Look at how pretty it is!

That's all for this week! Check in soon, I miss you all!

-Mr. Ransom



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