Hi everyone,
Wow it feels like a long time since I've seen you. I miss all of my students so much! I hope you're doing well and are finding ways to stay creative. I'm hoping that in reading this, you'll find something that inspires you! I know you're receiving a ton of work and might feel overwhelmed but I promise that us specials teachers are working hard to make this as fun and as easy as possible. So stay strong and smile often here's a look at some things I've been up to.

Here's a look at some flowers and herbs we are starting to grow. We only planted them three days ago and just look at how fast they're growing!

Here's a picture of our keyboard. I'm trying to use this time to practice my keyboard skills and learn some new songs. Remember playing keyboards during music class? That was fun!
That's it for this week! Check back soon and I'll post some more. Stay healthy and happy friends!
-Mr. Ransom